Friday, 1 February 2013

Inbetween by Tara Fuller

2 out of 5 Stars!

Rule one as a reaper: Death doesn't wait for anyone. 

Oh my goodness thank god I am done with that book. Whenever I see a book about reapers I automatically think of the "Soul Screamers" series by Rachel Vincent. I haven't read a great deal of reaper books besides that series so I always get excited when I come across one. Inbetween had me confused from the first page, like really confused but I slowly worked everything out and it all started to make sense. Inbetween is told in alternating point of views between Finn and Emma. This worked well enough and both characters had a distinct voice. The problem though is that this story just really didn't grip me at all. Finn annoyed me most of the time and Emma was just a so so character, in fact the whole book could be summarized as so so. I spent most of this book arguing with myself and the fact that I really should finish it, let's not DNF it just yet. I did finish it but I can safely say that nothing really happened to interest me which is a shame cos I had really been looking forward to this book.

Two years ago Finn saved Emma's life breaking all the rules and giving her another chance at living. Finn has made some mistakes and some enemies during the course of his career as a reaper and one enemy in particular Maeve is coming for Emma and won't stop until she gets her revenge. Finn is trying to juggle his career as a reaper and then protecting Emma from Maeve who is rapidly escalating in her torture techniques. It hasn't been easy for him and it is made harder by the fact that he can't touch Emma at all. The other reapers are getting tired of covering for him and his selfish attitude and his boss Balthazar is on to him and is punishing him. Finn keeps making mistakes when it comes to Emma and he is on his last warning, one more mess up and he will be sent to hell.

A couple of years ago Emma lost her dad in a car accident. She should have died as well but somehow she lived. Ever since the death of her Dad, Emma has had these dreams/nightmares that feel so real that they feel like memories. There has also been a lot of crazy stuff happening, stuff that has previously sent her crazy and straight to a mental institution. Her best friend Cash wants to help her but Emma is scared of telling anyone else the things that have been happening, they will just think she is crazy again. 

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