5 out of 5 Stars
Bite me, chilli boy.
Claire is going to college in Morganville, Texas and needless to say things aren't going too well for her. She has so far had all her clothes stolen from the washing machine and thrown into a rubbish chute, got into a slapping match which ended with her getting punched and pushed down the stairs plus all the usual teasing and shoves. It is when she gets threatened by mean girl Monica, source of all of Claire's misery when Claire really starts to feel scared for the first time. Monica means her serious harm and considering she pushed her down the stairs and didn't stop to check if she was alive, Claire isn't sure just how far Monica will go. Scared and all alone Claire decides to look for off campus housing. She thinks she has found the perfect place called Glass House, which has only 3 other occupants Michael, Shane and Eve but that idea is soon squashed by the owner Michael. Michael gives in though and says that Claire can stay their temporarily, a few days only and then she must leave he doesn't have underage girls in his house.
The temporary stay becomes more of a permanent stay and Claire is learning heaps about Morganville. Morganville is a strange place indeed filled with vampires, ghosts, power and a whole lot of creepiness. Against the advice of her new housemates Claire is still going to college and is still having to keep an eye on Monica and her underlings. Claire then makes another enemy, a vampire named Brandon and to make matters worst Monica and her family are under Brandon's protection and work very well together. Now that Claire has two enemies she needs a bodyguard and that lucky fella is Shane. Things keep going wrong though and to save Claire from further harassment and death attempts Shane puts himself on the line which then changes things for everyone.
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